Monday, December 20, 2010

Latin Kings And Nortenos

It starts today!

This week, come and create your Christmas cards .....
Animation Multimedia for 6 / 16 years

Friday, December 17, 2010

Mythbusters Chinese Water Torcher

Christmas Market of the Abbey of Oka, weekend # 2

Here we go again for another Christmas market! The last weekend in Oka went well despite the fact that Sunday was almost deserted with the storm of sleet on the north shore.

I'm back for another and last weekend, still at the barn of the Abbey of Oka. For the occasion, I topped up and packed all my soaps for children who were drying.

All shapes, all colors for all tastes: shea lavender calendula (mild for sensitive skin), Bubble Gum Grape (feels really Hubba Bubba!), Fresh mint (a hit), blue clay & spices (the men love it), blueberry vanilla (the ultra-soft and moisturizing), spicy orange, tangerine, shea butter goat milk (a must for dry skin), anti-eczema (with, among others, olive oils, wheat germ, neem and mango powder), red clay, etc.. They are attractive, gentle, hydrating and slide down well in a Christmas!
Christmas Market Oka is ideal for finding gift ideas: Fudge (hard to resist the fudge house just behind my booth), the home of the button, the Closes Black Timber (game in all its forms), La Belle Excuse (their olive oils and balsamic vinegars are disgusting!), jewelry craftsmen, cabinet makers, Nid'Otruche, Pure Lavender, Globe magazine (Fair Trade) of High School Oka, and more!
Hope to meet you at the booth of the pretentious!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Making A Scramble Net

Lights on the project "Mapping the Neighbourhood

As part of the Festival of Lights in Lyon
AWAL Grand Lyon is a partner of Project Match neighborhood "

An exhibition of views written or photographed to tell you the Guillotière ...

Exhibition 8 at December 11, 2010 / / roof of St Joseph's Hospital St. Luke , 6 rue Raulin, Lyon 7

>> free admission

Monday, December 6, 2010

Difference Between Urine Culture Urinalysis

Like a feather ... Back on the Show

I want to thank you, readers & readers who took the time to go vote for my ticket during a photo contest Blog presented separately under the Fair blogging conferences organized by the magazine Helping Hand .

Thanks to you, I had the great pleasure of receiving the title of Silver Plume. At the same time, I say "Congratulations!" my sisters finalists. I also encourage you to go read their excellent texts here. The results were tight to the love of words and meanings that we are.

A special thank you to Julie at The mother is calm for submitting my ticket!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Many Calories Lasagna

I told you about my horrible lack of social lately. I even started writing a long post where I shade my position on your comments of my last long post. I have no time and I have not had time to refine my thinking in my responsibilities thousand and one.

The preparation of my two rooms was demanding but extremely satisfying. Scores of friends, family, knowledge or readers rose to greet me and try my creams and my soaps. What a joy to see emerge at any time of girlfriends or even friends of friends / family come and encourage or downright robbed my booth!

A real big boost for the social, ego, the feeling of being supported and recognized. Really, all I say thank you, you have warmed the heart, you have no idea!

This is not over! I am preparing another show, I'll talk.

Meanwhile, you can always order your soaps and Co. by email via the blog The Prétentieuse . Looking forward


How To Brake Intoa Honeywell Safe

cream mazique Santa

Frederick (5 years), who returns from the hospital after he tore a huge chunk of the membrane covering the cornea, " Mom, you know what? Z'ai had the cream of Santa Claus . mazique is cream that will cure my eye. There were also the cream of Dora but me is the cream of Father Christmas z'ai had. The doctor said it was a cream special was a little cold in the eye but there was Zust courazeux boys who could feel the cold. Boys who are not courazeux, themselves, feel it. You know what Mom? When he put the cream mazique in my eye, z'ai felt cold! Z'suis courazeux, that's why !

I love the psychology of docs Ste-Justine!

(and your patience in exceptional circumstances, beautiful Grand-Man!)