Friday, February 11, 2011

Frustration Card Game Hard

The power of indifference

Reflection on indifference read in a story. I think for several days.

Worse than not being appreciated: to be ignored. Worse than managing disagreements about your comments, your opinions: to be the rain on the umbrella of indifference, deliberate or not, on the other. I probably should have mentioned before. Best way to hurt someone: do not consider him to refuse membership to any entity, as informal as it is.

people / situations that caused me the greatest anguish in recent years are precisely those for / to which my presence or that of those who are dear to me made no difference for others. You know, speak to others as if you were not, at all costs keep the momentum and cohesion "original", ignoring the fact that you can, you also feed the debate, contribute your ideas , positively change the dynamics, receive feedback that reinforces your integrity, your values, your own life, your sense of belonging. Worse still wading through the waters that make your presence a presence trivial and incidental, since not only the attitude of closure but also excludes you sometimes, because of its exclusive nature, the connection itself.

All time is one of the worst tortures that can be subjected to human (or group): exclusion. The ostracism.
The ban, if only twenty minutes, one hour, the time of a meeting.

ago in indifference incalculable power and sadly powerful.

Ah yes, I certainly due cause forward.
It makes me overreact.


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