1. New themes :
b. Types.
Other figures are constants of the Gothic script. Thus the Church (Virgin crowned, bearing in his hand the Grail who collected the blood of Christ) opposite the Synagogue (woman coronnée a pointed hat, blindfolded (there is the symbol). The first is the message of Christ so clearly and directly granted by God Himself in the person of his son. The second carries the message distorted, veiled prophets and failed to recognize the divinity of Jesus.
c. The hierarchy of places: up / down, right / left.
d. The Order of the retail :
5. Symbols.
Attributes: Lamb / John the Baptist, Moses / serpent of brass or tables of the law, Abraham / young child (Isaac), Isaiah / stem of Jesse.
The cathedral is not only an arch or foreshadowing of the heavenly Jerusalem (City of God), it is as a book. No, once again, a bible of the illiterate, because you have just read (we have just seen) to understand the iconography, but rather an encyclopedia that summarizes and explains the totality of knowledge (of the time ). (See Emile Male). The source, the Speculum majus ( The Great Mirror of the World ) of Vincent of Beauvais, which splits into four "mirrors".
1. The Mirror of Nature .
There are still animals. All, of course, are not symbolic. The most important designate the four Evangelists. They are the Tetramorph. This is the Eagle (St. John but also Ascension of Jesus, and among the virtues, contemplation), the angel or man (Matt. but also the incarnation of Jesus and, as a virtue, wisdom ), Lion (St. Mark's but also the Resurrection of Jesus, and courage as a virtue) and Ox (St Luke, but also the Crucifixion of Jesus, and temperance as a virtue). The snake (or dragon) is the devil. The elephant symbolizes the Fall. The asp is sin and basil death, he was vu.Encore once all the animals are not symbolic. The oxen of Laon are a tribute to the work done by these animals during the construction of the cathedral. Besides, they express creative power of God (see, for example at the north portal of Chartres Creation of Animals).
2.The mirror Science .
Cathedral is the mirror of nature. She is also a mirror of science. On its walls all that science knowledge has exposed.
a. Practical Science :
Letravail. These are the "calendars" describing the s occupation of each month linked with the zodiac sequence.
b. Speculative science :
The medieval science is not like ours, an instrument of domination of nature (science, "Make ourselves masters and possessors of nature", Descartes was programming since the seventeenth century), it is the interpreter. And she taught in a specific order. Hence the organization of studies: the trivium (grammar, dialectic, rhetoric) and quadrivium (geometry, artithmétique, astronomy, music), finally philosophy (or theology). These are the disciplines who will be personified (often by reference to an authentic scholar (Aristotle, Pythagoras, Boethius, etc.)..
c. The exclusion of laziness :
If science is manifested in the work, it takes the number of figures who represent the antithetical figure of laziness which is under the form of the Wheel of Fortune. Randomly assign the task of providing for our sustenance, here is laziness the mother of all vices.
3. The Mirror of Morality .
The third dimension of knowledge, is the moral, behavioral science.
a. The novel model :
There is a moral novel model: The Psychomachia Prudence: the battle of virtues and vices that adorns many capitals. It is an internal struggle which will inspire sculptors novels. The Gothic will look elsewhere and not to the same models as they are illuminators and sculptors.
b. Gothic models for illumination:
The Tree of Virtues and Vices (below) of Hugh of St. Victor and the Ladder of Virtues of Honorius of Autun.
c. Sculptors :
They detain any of these models and contrast pairs virtues and vices.
We will hold with the theologians of the time, three catégiories virtues:
->. the theological virtues: Faith (idolatry), Hope (Vice: despair), Charity (vice: greed). These are virtues without which there is no hope of Hi.
->. the cardinal virtues: Chastity (vice: intemperance), Prudence (or Wisdom defect: insanity), Strength (or courage vice: cowardice), Justice (or obedience; vice: Rebellion).
->. other virtues, for example, humility (Vice: pride), patience (vice: anger), sweetness (vice: hardness), harmony (or peace; vice: discord), etc..
4. The Mirror of History
Finally, the cathedral will be the mirror History. Not to profane history is hardly provided with meaning, but the only history that is worth: Sacred History as recorded by the Old and New Testament . This History, will be to understand, that is to say, since the Old Testament is the proclamation of the New, to find correspondences between the two. The lives of saints on one side and the Jewish people, on the other, reason from one end to another of history. We must understand and explain these reasons.
Thus the Sacrifice of Isaac prefigures Does Christ's. The water from the rock by Moses the blood that escapes from the wound made in the side of Christ by Longinus. Jonas from the mouth of the whale, the resurrection of Christ. And so on. The windows of the cathedral are subtle commentaries on the Bible.
Let this piece of stained glass from Lyon. It establishes connections between Old Testament, New Testament and symbols. This gives, from bottom to top:
1. Isaiah the prophet who announced the birth of Jesus by a Madonna, the Annunciation, the angel who announces the birth of Jesus to the Virgin and the Unicorn, is a clean animal that can be approached only by a virgin.
2. The burning bush burning without being consumed, the Virgin birth without having "consumed" the fleece of Gideon is covered with dew no natural reason.
3. Abraham prepared to sacrifice Isaac in obedience to God, Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross for the salvation of men, the serpent of brass is high in the desert by Moses to save the Jews sent fiery serpents as punishment
4. spit Jonah by the whale returns to the world Jesus resurrected on the third day, the lions that seem dead in the first three days seem to come alive again the third under the inspiration of their father.
5. The kladrius is a bird that can tell whether a patient will live or die; Ascension of Christ who will live after death so the eagle is the bird that rises above and to learn to fly his small, the load on its wings.
Each text, moreover, carries three meanings: the literal or historical meaning (we reported a fact: Abraham existed) and a moral sense or tropological ( is the immediate meaning of this fact: the Faith. Abraham, despite the hesitations of God who gives and takes away a son obeys, no doubt for a second that it is God which he directs. He does not know that God tests his faith, of course, otherwise it would not be an ordeal, but he thinks). A mystical or allegorical meaning (the Crucifixion of Christ prefigured by the sacrifice of Isaac).
But the life of Christ (New Testament is to interpret). And legends attached to them without having figured. Thus one of two midwives and Salome Zelem example. One is surprised that Mary is still a virgin after giving birth and one question. When verifying the hand, it dries out. Only by asking forgiveness and Child Jesus and by an act of faith she finds the use of sipping his main sources of inspiration, in addition to the New Testament will The Golden Legend of Jacques de Voragine.
5. The Evolution representations.
a. Roman:
b. Early Gothic :
Top humanization of the Virgin. In the thirteenth century, the Virgin "humanized". The child slips on one knee and turned his face towards her mother, or playing with her.
d. Classic gothic :
The Virgin Mother. Here it is standing, holding the Child on her arm and smiling at him. The Virgin became a mother.
e. Latest Gothic
Woman. In the fifteenth century, is the Lady of Pain, the mother who just lost her child. Souffre.Ainsi the woman who, as God "humanized", as noted above, the Virgin is experiencing a similar humanization.
f. Life of the Virgin
Life of the Virgin becomes a key theme of writing in portals and on the facades of cathedrals. The scenes are represented most naturally the Annunciation, the Visitation, death and Assumption.
An apparently very common theme is stated on the tympanum of the Coronation of the Virgin. This view of things being otherwise objectionable. Indeed the fact of placing a wreath on the head d'une vierge équivaut de la part d'un homme à une demande en mariage. Il est évident que ce n'est pas sa mère que le Christ demande en mariage. Par ailleurs, on se souvient qu'une femme portant couronne caractérisait l'Eglise par opposition à la Synagoge. Ainsi, le Couronnement de la Vierge, ne serait en fait que le Mariage mystique de Dieu avec l'Eglise.
Cette représentation évolue au cours du temps. Dans la formule la plus ancienne, la couronne est déjà sur la tête de "la Vierge". Puis, il reviendra à un ange de déposer la couronne. Dans la formule finale, vers 1250 (la plus explicitement matrimoniale) c'est le Christ qui dépose la couronne sur la tête de l'Eglise.
The cathedral is not an arch in which mankind can seek refuge, not only the foreshadowing of the heavenly Jerusalem, it is a book. An encyclopedia or reflects all the knowledge of the Middle Ages. When, in Notre-Dame de Paris, Victor Hugo, entitled the chapter in which he mentions the invention of printing and the end of medieval architecture: This will kill it, it esprime perfectly the reality of Gothic sculpture.
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