2. Lateralized bifocal perspective: Uccello
3. The prospect convex Fouquet
4. The prospect monofocal invented in Florence between 1420 and 1450
When Cosimo de Medici returned from exile to Florence in 1434, he chased Palla Strozzi. It had been painted by Gentile da Fabriano's Adoration of the Magi , works belonging to prestigious international pure Gothic painting luxury but a complex narrative mess.
The rise of perspective is bound, although not exclusively but certainly, at this political upheaval in Florence.
is the meaning of glass table Alberti. On the glass plate is reality itself which is inscribed to the eye at the top of the visual pyramid. Or sense, too, the TAVOLETTA Brunelleschi. The Baptistery of Florence is reflected "as is" in the mirror.
With the prospect is infinite which enters the world. He was previously reserved for God, transcendent. Here, entered the world, that he may without God.
Indeed, the vanishing lines that join to our vision on the horizon are actually parallel and, as such, do meet at infinity. Perspective, if it is not infinite is the suggestion.
With the prospect is the subject of the vision that became the center of the world. The visible only becomes visible only from the point of view (visual top of the pyramid). The world becomes a stage on which man, as subject, that is to say as an actor (of vision) in the central square, Items not giving that compared to his perspective on them (which contradicts the belief in the objectivity of perception perspective).
With the perspective, the world becomes commensurable with the man. We return to the pretensions of the old Protagoras criticized by both Plato and Christian theology: "Man is the measure of all things." Thus the apparent size of objects decreases does, proportionally, depending on the distance to the human subject that perceives them.
- The first is a cyclopean vision. The perspective assumes an eye.
-Moreover, contrary to what one might think the prospect is not there to make excat architecture since, in contrast, is the architecture that drifted from painting to the Renaissance.
-perspective is also not invented to make the depth. Other methods are used in parallel:
We'll see, moreover, it is not free of anomalies and, more importantly, these abnormalities far from clumsy demonstrations are intended by the artists (see Daniel ARRASS Annunciation Italian )
IV. "Anomalies" OUTLOOK
The laws of perspective directs this composition. Only the cross and the body of Christ do not. What is the meaning of this anomaly? Is not that the being who is suspended from this cross is not of this world? It is not subject to the same laws?
2. The Italian annunciations
Daniel ARRASS note that many Italian annunciations presents similar anomalies. That of Domenico Veneziano, below, presents the curious feature of the show, its vanishing point, a doorknob disproportionate.
In this Annunciation by Fra Angelico, the vanishing point is ... forward: the middle column, preventing the eye to enjoy the depth normally generated by the flight lines
In this other Annunciation Lorenzetti, the perpespective does it seem that in the lower part tiled panel. Entire upper, gold, seems to ignore even the fact that an object can hide, even if only partially, another. Thus, before the written text: "non est impossibile " should spend a wing of the angel and the column. But the text stops at each "barrier" to restart later (see below). Without doubt this is one is, again, in a world that does not obey the laws of our own.
Ambrigio Lorenzetti
.................... Piero della Francesca
Probably the latter. What is it represented in the Annunciation ? The very fact of the Incarnation . For, just when Mary agrees ("it is done according to his will"), it is permeated by the Spirit and the Savior is pregnant. But it was given to men to see Christ, God incarnate, he is given to anyone to see (or represent) the Incarnation. Anyway to give access to this event: the entry of the unrepresentable (God) in the world of things representable (the body), it was obvious to the impotence of perspectivecapable only to restore the things of our world.
The prospect is neither the means to objectively represent the world, nor the means to objectively represent our representation of the world. It can even be used symbolically to "appear" that is not our world. It is a device for expressing a new relationship in the world, a relationship in which man becomes the subject and hence the measure.
Gradually, as the space has been unified, the time will get his unit. Successive scenes will not be displayed simultaneously on the same surface. In
Masaccio The Tribute the Carmine, there are still three times in a single space (Jesus to Peter intimating order to get money on the shore; Pierre running order; Pierre handing money). In The Banquet of Herod Philippo Lippo, Salome dance, center, receives the head of John the Baptist, left; she lays her head on the table, right.
is Leonardo da Vinci, who emphasize the incongruity there is to multiply the time dimension in the spatial unit, even Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper from repudiate the prospect
" My first act, when I want to paint an area, is to draw a rectangle the size that fits, as a window through which I can see the subject (historia) " De Pictura Alberti 1435 Book I, § 19 Contrary to what one might have thought, it was never intended for Alberti to open a window on the world.
It simply build the space of a table. This window is a frame. And a world table.
The picture is a world and a model for the world. Since this space Table derives the actual architectural space.
The medieval palace was a landing tower (eg Palazzo Vecchio in Florence). The Palace will be reborn antiquity. Thus marked by regularity, symmetry, proportion.
But above all by the visualization. Vision tools developed by Brunelleschi to visualize the project before its completion or even built. The architecture, with the prospect, was first designed and then implemented. It is the appearance of architectural projects.
Palazzo Medici-Riccardi (Michelozzo)
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