Moderator: Jacques rouveyrol
Objectives: 1
allow readers to locate themselves in art history by acquiring knowledge of the major characteristics of different periods and the different artistic movements, trying to understand the reason for these changes.
2. Gather information and form a way of thinking unique to approach contemporary art.
Four levels
First year (beginning October 2007)
1.The medieval Romanesque and Gothic (XII-XV)
2.La Italian Renaissance: classical (XV), way (sixteenth)
3.The Classicism and Baroque (XVII)
4.The Rococo and Neoclassicism (XVIII)
5.The Romanticism and Realism (XIX)
Second year (beginning October 2008)
1. The Impressionists and lespost-impressionists.
2.Matisse and Picasso: from Fauvism to Cubism.
3.The abstract art.
4.Dada and the Surrealists.
5.La revolution Duchamp
Third year (beginning October 2009)
1.De Paris to New York abstract expressionism.
2.The Pop-Art and hyper-realistic.
3.The "fallout" in France: the New Realists, Support-Surface, BMPT, etc..
4.The new modes of artistic expression: installation, performance, happenings, body art, land-art, etc..
5.The "return" to painting.
From the start of 2010-2011, most courses will take place on the blog. A 4th year is open and will cover the news of contemporary art.
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