Friday, January 21, 2011

Mount And Blade Husband

Dictatorship scenic

Frederick fun with Playmobil. From across the house, I listen to the talk among the many snowmen asides.

- (Here, Beatrice, say: "Hey! Mug yourself off !)

- ...

- Go, tell it!

-" Hey cup Get away !

- Never ! (Here, say: "Oh yes , Zeuner man, you gonna let me in !

- ...


- Oh yes, Zeuner man, you gonna let me in .

- DOES NOT HAPPEN THAT WAY ! (Here, you have to say: "Thou shalt suffer !")

- You are about to suffer.

- If you think z'ai afraid of you! (There, said: "Ze will be ruthless." Go!


-Aaaarrgh!! Béatriiiice!! Say: "Ze will be ruthless!"

(. ...)

After twenty minutes of these scenes imposed, exasperated by the lack of any creative latitude to play with my daughter (her, so independent in nature, who knows so much fun only and if so touching), I asked my son why he does not let her play and most importantly, decide replicas of his own characters.

indignant when Frederick "Ben there! Ze can not let them! It will make them say anything !"

* An hour later, while Fred still swoons before the awful, absolutely not credible Santa and his' papa Noël "(which is on the verge of going crazy) on youtube, Beatrice s 'secretly amused with his brother snowmen.

Finally, she plays with the intonation that she wants the scenes and replies that she usually chooses with such grace and femininity on the theme of motherhood. It benefits from a small area free from censorship.

While I stopped beside her, I am taken aback by one of his chaps, who just another tenderly exclaiming: "Oh no , Sacrament!"

(My son was really so clear-sighted this morning to do so the guardian of morality?)


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